Dario Duran

Product Manager

Service Oriented Personality

  • Dienstleistungsorientierte Persönlichkeit mit fundierter unternehmerischer Führungungserfahrung.
  • Kommunikationsstark mit Verhandlungsgeschick.
  • Ausgeprägte Sozialkompetenz. Fähigkeit, zwischen verschiedenen Parteien Brücken zu bilden.
  • Überzeugende und breite fachliche Kompetenzen. Gesetzte Ziele werden mit Eigeninitiative und Engagement lösungsorientiert umgesetzt.


2013 - heute

Micro Mobility Systems AG | Zürich


Product Manager | 2013 - heute

ISPO 2014 | Just-Drop-In | Snowpark Scooter

  • Drove growth and success in freestyle scooters
  • Develop and shared extensive market and product knowledge
  • Oversaw the scooter development process, from product briefing to delivery to market
  • Definition and development of new products
  • Definition of product lineup in collaboration with CEO
  • Negotiating pricing with a number of suppliers
  • Product presentation and training for distributors and customers
  • Supported trade and product launch events

→ View website Snow
→ View website Freestyle

2012 - heute

TepoTec Mavins GmbH| Waadt & Aargau


Verschiedene Rollen | 2012 - heute

Business Development | Marketing & Kommunikation

  • Organisierte die erste Freestyle Scooter Schweizermeisterschaft, 2013, in Winterthur
  • Aktiv innerhalb des internationalen Scooter Verbands
  • Initiiert und steuert die Verkaufsaktivitäten mit direkter Vertriebsverantwortung für Agenten (DE, FR, CH), Distributoren (ES, UK) und Key Accounts (CH, DE, ES, FR, UK)
  • Gestaltet und kontrolliert die Preispolitik für diverse Scooter Marken in Europa
  • Betriebsverantwortung für Kundendienst und Marketing
  • Aufbau eines Verkaufs- und Informationssystems
  • Liquidation von Lagerbeständen

2000 - 2010

Firstroad UK Limited| London & Genf


Firstroad is a niche IT service provider to +30 small and medium sized businesses in the Geneva region with a focus on multinational companies setting up local entities – eg. Bourbon of France and Sportfive of Germany.


  • Developed and maintained executive, mid-management and technical partnerships with clients
  • Prospected, negotiated and managed business relationships around a framework of SLAs
  • Recruited and trained six-man support team for day to day desktop, server and network operations
  • Co-authored IP Connectivity for Financial Services with Telekurs and University of Fribourg

2006 - 2009

DAA Pharma SA / Mylan Inc| Nyon, Schweiz


Mylan is the third largest generic pharmaceuticals company in the world. DAA Pharma is a Swiss principal company responsible for the development and management of intellectual property for +80 products representing EUR100m in yearly European revenues.

Director Operations

  • Lead post-merger IT projects for SAP integration, video conferencing rollout and VPN integration - reporting dotted line to USA and India headquarters
  • Facilitated and project managed the rollout of SAP R/3 platform to three European subsidiaries – France, Netherlands, Switzerland
  • Ensured delivery of yearly statutory audits, budget, strategic plan and Swiss GAAP and IFRS accounts
  • Coached junior finance / legal staff toward formalizing the supply chain and contract administration of a CHF50m revenue buy-sell business

2000 - 2003

HPI Holding SA| Nyon, Schweiz


HPI is a Swiss publicly traded investment fund with participations in technology ventures globally.

Venture Managing Director - Keysoft Entellect

  • Advised on and executed the merger of two portfolio start-ups focussing on mobile software technologies – email to the phone – desktop to the web
  • Raised CHF5m in funding and leveraged professional network to secure first alliance partnerships with Alcatel, Motorola and Logitech
  • Rationalised software development and support operations across the two centres – Sydney and Geneva

1991 - 2000

UBS Warburg & UBS Switzerland| Zürich & London


UBS is the world’s second largest manager of private wealth with over USD1.5 trillion under management.

Associate Director, Corporate Finance – Telecom sector

  • Advised executive management of international clients on preparation and execution of strategic mandates including divestures, acquisitions and mergers – specialist in data communications and Internet
  • Managed UBS’ interests in a telecommunications operator during bid for a Swiss mobile license
  • Responsible for various department-wide coordination functions including financial controlling, compliance, IT security and IT development

Assistant Vice-President, Group Telecommunications

  • Initiated and managed a global team of +20 engineers and a budget of CHF20m to realise UBS’ first Cisco network, Internet gateways, firewalls and web-site
  • Drafted UBS Group IT policy in the areas of global ops, Internet security and data encryption



ISC² CISSP Zertifizierung| Schweiz


Der Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) ist eine Zertifizierung, die vom International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium ((ISC)²) angeboten wird. Es handelt sich bei dem Zertifikat um einen international anerkannten Weiterbildungsstandard auf dem Gebiet Informationssicherheit.

Informationssicherheit Zertifikat


UBS Warburg| New York


Financial accounting on US GAAP, financial statement analysis, risk analysis, fixed income and equity capital markets and valuation and modelling.

Investment Banking Programme - Corporate Finance

1995 - 1997

Swiss Finance Institute| Schweiz


Berufsbegleitend schloss ich eine dreijährige Ausbildung an der Swiss Financie Institute - Swiss Banking School (Universität Zürich) ab.

Senior Management Program, Certificate

1992 - 1994

Schweiz. Gesellschaft für Organisation SGO| Zürich


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt diam ac lectus tristique scelerisque. Quisque vitae libero sit amet turpis faucibus auctor eget vitae tortor. Aenean metus erat, ultricies non mattis quis, molestie ac massa.

Project Management Program

1982 - 1987

University of Texas| Austin, Texas


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt diam ac lectus tristique scelerisque. Quisque vitae libero sit amet turpis faucibus auctor eget vitae tortor. Aenean metus erat, ultricies non mattis quis, molestie ac massa.

Bachelor of Science, Aerospace Engineering

Personal Details

20 September, 1964
drei Kinder (16, 15, 12 Jahre alt)
Englisch (Muttersprache)
Deutsch (Arbeits- und Familiensprache)
Spanisch (Fliessendes Niveau mündlich)





html + css php grep | sed | awk mysql
photoshop illustrator aperture
CRM & Carts
wordpress prestashop woocommerce
Excel Word Powerpoint SAP SD & FI Profix

Community & Interests

Familie Swim Bike Run

    ≡ Ich geniesse meine Freizeit mit meiner Familie
    ≡ Boy Scouts of America, Genf, Abteilungsleiter +100 Jungs in 15 Gruppen 2008 – heute
    ≡ Leiter Kunstturnen, Jugend & Sport ausgebildete 2006 – 2010
    ≡ Geneva English School, Elternratmitglied 2006 – 2009




Professionally delivered amateur competition series. Free to the riders. Every rider that *drops in* receives a t-shirt.


Shred the Block 2013

Swiss Freestyle Scooter Championship 2013.


Micro Black Ice

World's first scooter designed specifically for the skir resort's snowparks.


Prestashop B2B Shop

Developed, implemented and operated an online B2B shop to support a pan-European distribution network for freestyle scooter products.


Tech Know-how

Firstroad was a mover in the email-to-you-phone space in *2003*.


Guiding Young Scouts/h3>

+100 Boys Ages 7-12 in 15 Groups.


Lettenstrasse 13
CH-5210 Windisch
+41 79 769 5057
PGP Fingerprint
3CD6 702E 8EE3 B19C 5368 44F3 FD95 B4B2 68E1 2F82